I think they'll hold up nicely



I think they'll hold up nicely

I thought a lot about how I might pack for India. A lot. I'm excited about the adventure, and in the days before pulling my suitcase out of the closet I found myself deep inside my own head considering which cameras to bring, which dresses (just 2, maybe 3!), and what food to bring for the flight - SFO to Frankfurt to Delhi. That, my friends, is the one part of the trip I wasn't looking forward to - it's twelve hours to Frankfurt, another seven to Delhi. Here's a peek at how my packing came together. On the food-for-the-flight front, I've been playing around with a few ideas. No question, these dumplings made the cut, and I ended up packing these millet croquettes for snacking as well - crunchy crusted, basil and kale flecked, I think they'll hold up nicely baby outlet.

One carry-on, one purse - that was the goal. My camera and film take up a chunk of space in my suitcase, and beyond that it's all about cramming things into little pockets and corners. In this shot (clockwise from top-left): lunch canister (new! I stack in layers between sheets of parchment), Love Travel Guides, Kindle (with this & this on it), sunglasses, notebook/phone, my Land camera, business cards wholesale travel mugs.

Millet Croquette Recipe
Here's a glimpse of how it's coming together into my suitcase. I have room for a few more packs of film, and a pair of ballet flats. But everything else is in there - adapters and camera gear on the left, dresses (top right), toiletries (bottom right), camera and guide book VPN Provider (bottom left).